Outcome of the third Interministerial Group meeting for Housing, Communities & Local Government



24 January 2024




Rebecca Evans, Minister for Finance and Local Government



In accordance with the inter-institutional relations agreement, the third meeting of the Interministerial Group (IMG) for Housing, Communites and Local Government was held on 13 December 2023. 


As lead Minister for this IMG, I asked the Minister for Climate Change to attend the meeting on behalf of the Welsh Government, as the agenda items fell within her portfolio.


The Minister for Housing, Paul McLennan MSP attended for the Scottish Government and chaired the meeting. Mark O'Donnell, Deputy Secretary of Housing, Urban Regeneration and Local Government; Paul Price, Director of Social Housing Policy and David Polley, Director of Housing Supply Policy represented the Northern Ireland Executive. From the UK Government, Jacob Young, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Levelling Up and Lee Rowley, Minister of State for Housing, Planning and Building Safety.


The group welcomed a presentation by Professor Ken Gibb of CaCHE on research on the impacts of regulation on the Private Rented Sector, issues and challenges.

Following the presentation, the group discussed the challenges each government faces around affordable homes and housing supply. The group also discussed progress made on building safety, cladding remediation, insurance, mortgage and lending markets and RAAC.

They acknowledged the positive working relationship between officials across the areas of housing and building safety and agreed for this official level engagement to continue. 

It was confirmed that the UK Government and officials from the Northern Ireland Executive will work together on preparations for the next meeting of the IMG, scheduled for March / April 2024.

The meeting communiqué agreed by Ministers can be found here.